Lump in each testicle

  • 9 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi there. A couple of months ago, I found two lumps in my testicles - one at the bottom of my right one and one at the bottom of my left. Both feel rather firm and the right one is bigger than the left one; probably the size of a kidney bean. I am also experiencing dull aches in my groin area on the left side and I am really, incredibly worried that it is testicular cancer. I have an older brother who survived testicular cancer around 9 years ago, and my father has recently been diagnosed with bowel cancer. I've been to see my doctor who examined me but said he couldn't feel anything abnormal and wasn't concerned but has put me forward to have a scan at my hospital just in case. I'm still waiting for the appointment letter to come through but in the meantime am worrying myself sick that I have cancer. I can't get it off my mind and it's making me feel really sick. I don't know what to do or how to ease my mind. 

  • Hi mate,

    I went through something really similar from the doctors point of view, they told me they couldn’t feel anything but as I waited for the letter things were getting worse and bigger, i called the doctors and pushed my scan through as urgent, good thing I did in the end, best thing if you’re stressed and you feel it’s getting worse would be to ask your doctor if it’s an urgent or standard referral,

    fingers crossed it won’t be TC for you though! The initial sickness/worry is awful worrying if it’s cancer but honestly if unfortunately it does end up being that way this really is treatable and you’ll smash through it! Totally understand the anxiety over it, keep your mind busy until the scan and let us know how you get on! 

  • Hi nicky23.

    Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I will be chasing my doctor up for that referral if I haven't heard anything by next week. I saw him about 2 weeks ago so hopefully, the letter will come within the next few days. 

    I've got so much running through my mind (I'm a bit of a worrier and over-thinker anyway!) like, what if it is TC and I've had it for so long that it's spread? I will try to keep my mind off it but I work 12-hour shifts on my own so it's hard! 

  • Yeah it’s hard I know what you mean. Always think the worst and when you feel any bit of pain you immediately think it’s all linked etc. This is a very treatable cancer, I’ve read in here guys who have had stage 2+ and the treatment is still really effective,

    I hope the scan goes well for you, but don’t worry too much if it is TC, you’ve got this! 

  • Hi Kev

    Usually the initial ultrasound shouldn't take very long at all to arrange.  Certainly worth chasing it if you've waited this long already.

    Best wishes


  • Hi mate. It's two weeks today since I saw my doctor. I have just got off the phone to my surgery and they've confirmed my referral has definitely been sent to the hospital. I tried calling the radiology department but they are closed for today. Will try again tomorrow if a letter has still not come through.

  • Hi Kev, 

    Hope you're coping ok. Would it be worth getting a private ultrasound? NHS ultrasound was a five week wait in my area, I couldn't cope with that, I found a private hospital to do a scan for £160 the same day. It was money well spent as it pushed things forward a lot quicker.

    Good luck

  • Hi Ralphy,

    Yeah, I'm coping ok thanks. Just trying to remain positive and keeping everything crossed.

    I got my scan appointment through today for August 17th, so I only have two weeks to wait, which is good I guess. 

    A private hospital would've been a serious consideration if I had to have waited 5+ weeks, but thankfully I don't need to go down that route. 

  • Hi again. Quick update - I actually managed to have my ultrasound yesterday morning thanks to a cancellation.

    So the initial prognosis is good; the sonographer said that, to him, there was "nothing alarming" that he could see, although he did say that I may have what looks like a cyst on the left testicle. He mentioned that the lumps I've been concerned about are most likely my epididymis. This will all be reviewed by my doctor and I'll know more next week. I'm guessing that I may need further tests for the suspected cyst?

    Anyway, I'm glad that I managed to have my scan early and I suppose I'm feeling a little more confident that it's not TC, but won't count all my chickens until my doctor has spoken to me. Fingers crossed it is only a cyst if anything.  

  • That's great news kev