Shot in the Dark

  • 1 reply
  • 9 subscribers

Hi guys,

well... this is a shot in the dark but who knows there maybe someone on here who could shed some light as from reading the forums it seems there’s some highly intelligent people on here, I for one have decent knowledge of testicular cancer etc but this has really left me baffled. So this is the story 

November 2019. Seminoma of the right testis - orchidectomy performed - tumor markers normal - no spread.  Surveillance only

06 February 2021. Discomfort on remaining left testis - ultra scan (6th Feb) revealed a 8mm hypoechoic lesion in the upper pole. This was classed as indeterminate (unsure what it could be).  Was advised to Have MRI scan of the scrotum which was performed on 12 February. They are none the wiser - still should 8mm indeterminate lesion. Recent tumor markers within normal limits. They sent the scans to the supraregional testicular MDT at barts for an expert opinion.

I understand all the above - but what I don’t get is the following.

On Friday (just gone - 5th March - I get a call from the MRI unit at my hospital to come in and have a ‘liver scan’ I was totally shocked as I had no call or outcome from barts or my consultant. I asked to be put through to the nurse or my consultant before I agreed as I had no idea why my liver would have any connection with what’s going on. The nurse told me it should have been done on the first mri scan (which is bull because I had a pelvic/scrotum scan) and that’s it’s part of the staging... I then said to her staging ? What do you mean ? Is there something wrong with my liver ? She said no... in a nut shell I was not told basically why I’m having my liver scanned. Anyway. Had it yesterday. I’m sorry for the long message guys - but if there’s anyone on here with any knowledge of this - please let me know. I can only think they are checking my liver for function ? Perhaps they want me to have chemotherapy to see if they can get rid of lesion ? I just really really don’t get it .. have I now got liver cancer ? 

cheers guys - and understand if people on here have no knowledge of this - but I really feel atm that something else is going on - let’s hope I’m paranoid 

  • Hi

    I'm sorry to read that your CNS was unable to tell you why you've had your liver scanned and I can understand why you'd be concerned. I'd only be guessing as to why you've had it but I do know how worrying waiting for test results can be. 

    I'll keep my fingers crossed that it was just routine and that there's nothing wrong Fingers crossed

    Do come back and let the other members of the group know how you get on.


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