  • 6 replies
  • 10 subscribers

Hi, I'm new here and about to undergo treatment starting on 8/6/20 so in a few days! Just wondered if anyone had any info or details if yiu have been through this treatment and what I should expect. I'm due to have 3 rounds of bep totalling 9 solid weeks, 3 days a week. I'm grateful for any advice! Thank you


  • Hi Jay, Welcome to the group, My husband had undergone 3 cycles of BEP last year/completed in March. It was a rough experience for him but he made it through without any lasting side effects. A coworker of mine also did BEP for TC and he went through it without issues. It truly effects everyone differently. I'm unsure of your age, but if you don't have children already and have a desire to have them in the future, you should consider banking sperm prior to starting chemo. I would highly recommend it. Let me know if you have any further questions,

    Tips during chemo:

    1) Drink lots of water

    2) Rinse out your mouth several times a day with this mixture to help prevent mouth sores: a cup of warm water mixed with 1/4 teaspoon baking soda and 1/8 teaspoon salt. 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Mlewolfe8

    Hi Meredith, thanks so much for your reply! Yes I had read and heard it varies person to person so will just have to see how I go. I hope your husband and friend are now doing well?! Thank you for the tips il take note of the mouth wash and definitely give it a go. Im 35 and lucky enough to have 2 lovely little people already, but we were hoping to have another so have already made a deposit at the bank! Not sure if I have any more questions at this minute, just wasn't sure if there were any standard affects or anything I should know about as due to corona virus its been difficult for me to get to see or speak to anyone about it all! Thanks again 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I am in the same boat as you and am starting  BEP on Monday.

    I have two cancers, Colon and Testicular. Although the primary tumours were removed, the Colon cancer has spread to the liver I have had a few months chemo for that, which has shrunk the liver lesions and I await an operation to remove them completly.

    At a CT ladt week however they identified a lesion on the lung which, blood markers suggest is a spread of the Testicular, hence BEP next week.

    In am in every day for 5 days so, I expect a pretty rough time. That said, with the previous chemo for the Colon cancer I had almost no problems at all so, touch wood...

    All the best for you coming treatment. Do keep in touch on here so we can know how you are getting on and offer our support.

  • Hi Jay,

    Sorry you are here but this is a sound forum for advice and support. 

    My husband had 4 x EP last year ( Feb-April). I found a blog by a guy called Phil v helpful in terms of what would help him..

    If you google Phil‘s BEP chemo journey you will find it. Sorry it won’t let me copy the link for some reason. 

    “One day at a time, head down and get it done” was my husband’s approach but whatever works for you to get you through. 

    Take care and if you have any qs just shout! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi oddosprey, thank you for your message and I'm so sorry to hear of your news! At least its a spread of the testicular cancer as from what I'm told on here and have been by consultants its massively curable! I'm now on my third day of bep and touch wood im doing really well so far, have had no sickness or sick feeling and apart from getting home on treatment days and feeling worn out I wake up the next day feeling fine. I really hole you go through this the same as me! 

    Good luck on your next lot of treatment, I hope to hear you doing really well!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Spirited

    Many thanks for your reply spirited! Blush

    Im on day 3 now and I feel I'm doing really well, none of this so far has got me down and I'm determined it won't! 

    I hope your husband is now doing well?! Il will definitely have a look at that online, I find it encouraging to read others journeys!

    Thanks again for your advice its massively appreciated
