Treatment about to start

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  • 30 subscribers

Morning all

My dad was diagnosed with stomach cancer two months ago now,  stage T4aN2M0 and after CT scans, MRI, X rays, PET, laporoscopy and many bloods, we met yesterday with the oncologist for his plan. 
They say the plan is for curative so fortnightly FLOT four cycles then full removal of stomach followed by further FLOT

i am so scared and pray he gets through this. Any messages of hope and advice would be most welcomed. 

we are all still on a journey with my mum who has small cell lung cancer and gets her results on 20th April so we are in a whirlwind right now. However I’m so grateful they are planning all this treatment and we finally have a plan! Hopefully the chemo will start in around ten days 

  • Hi

    I am never sure what’s worse.. going through treatment yourself or support someone you love through it!!

    I vividly remember the love and kindness of my family and friends when I was going through treatment!  It’s the little things that help.. my husband cutting slices of apple when I couldn’t eat anything!  My daughter coming over from Belfast for the day to see and watching TV with me. 
    It’s so hard to watch someone you love suffer so do what you can to make them comfortable and they will get through!

    Good luck!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hi Nat it seems your dad will or be getting treatment similar to myself. I had stomach cancer but localised to the inside of the stomach luckily enough. I had 4 x FLOT surgery 4 months ago TOTAL GASTRECTOMY and then 4 x FLOT. Im 62 but relatively fit for my age, i dealt with chemo with support of my wife both pre and post operation to remove my stomach but after the last session i had some bad episodes of vomiting it really only stopped last week. However i was on liquids for 2 weeks , moved to soft foods 2 weeks later and eating solid foods 3 weeks later but smaller portions. Its been a slog but there is hope if you have a good oncologist and day care team. Keep the faith.

  • Thank you so so much for sharing your story. I’m so pleased you’re at the end of this and now on the road to recovery. How are you feeling now? 
    we start the chemo a week on Wednesday. Praying he here through this. Dad hates even taking a paracetamol so it’s going to be a tough journey. X

  • Thanks Jac. He hates that we are the ones having to look after him as he always looks after us. Dad is always the fit and healthy one who fixes everything and needs to let us do this for him now x

  • Hi, so sorry to hear about both your parents and their diagnosis you are very strong. The treatment for your dad is what I had a year ago, I had stage 4 signet ring. I’m now in remission. Your dad has you and your love so he will fight it. 
    Take care, love to your family. 

  • Hi Michelle 

    Oh I am so pleased to hear this. This is amazing news. How do you feel now? 
    Thank you so much for your kinds words x

  • I’m doing ok thank you… I’m fitter now than I was before the diagnosis. I started back to work part time in January. I still get tired on the odd day. My eating now is great and can eat anything.

    Take care 


  • This is wonderful news! I’m so pleased for you xx

  • One thing is expect the unexpected with regards to side effects i had a great run without many but after my last FLOT post operative Chemotherapy i was sick everyday for 4 weeks but as i said seem to be on the long road to recovery and a fairly normal life again

  • Thats what worries me Sweats, not the operation but the four x Flot chemo after the operation. but the posts on this forum give me so much help i know i will be able to deal with it. X