My diagnosis

  • 2 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi I’m new to this group and have today had confirmation of stomache cancer having had an endoscopy and biopsy taken followed by CT scan with dye.  

at my local hospital today they have shown me the photos of the cancer have said there is a small area on the liver. They confirmed the cancer is large told me there is no cure but they had referred me to Guys/St Thomas where I will get more expertise solutions and treatments that will contain the cancer.

I am a little shocked but feel I’m talking about someone else don’t think I will believe it is me until treatment starts! If as they said there is no cure would you assume it’s terminal! I know you can have your whole stomache removed and survive so if they can do that is that not a cure if they take it all away? They have said I should get a call in the next day or two so hoping I do and the appointment will be quick. I know we are all different  but just wondered what others have experienced!

  • Hi Loony,

    I am very sorry to hear about your diagnosis, it must be so hard to wrap your head around it but I am glad to hear you are being referred to a more specialist hospital that will hopefully give you lots of treatment suggestions.

    I can only speak about my Mum's experience since being diagnosed with metastatic stomach cancer; she has also been informed that it is incurable and also inoperable and so has been offered palliative chemo. She's been offered FLOT which I believe is the most common chemotherapy drugs to be offered for stomach cancer so I imagine you will be offered something similar. I try not to consider this a terminal diagnosis as many people on this site discuss and see an incurable but treatment diagnosis as living with cancer, almost as you would any other chronic illness. 

    Hopefully, the call soon will let you know what the treatment plan is. Surgery may be an option for you as every case is different and a total stomach removal is what is usually recommended depending on the stage of the cancer. One other option that may be available to you is immunotherapy if your cancer is HER2-positive. I believe some people also go through radiotherapy to shrink the tumours.

    I'm sure others who have been diagnosed will be able to share their experiences and inform you better than me! 

    The very best of luck in the meantime, things will get better once a treatment plan is organised for you.

  • Hi, I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I too talk about it all as if I’m talking about someone else and not myself. I have had my stomach removed but I’ve been told it’s not a cure or guarantee that it will return in the future. I am glad you are being referred to St Thomas’s and hope they don’t keep you waiting to long and you get more information. Please take with you lots of questions to ask. 
    Take care. 