Localised stomach cancer diagnosis last week

  • 9 replies
  • 30 subscribers
  1. Hi to everyone of you including carer's helping with cancer sufferers. Ive been diagnosed luckily i believe very early with localised stomach cancer inside the stomach ONLY. i start chemotherapy next week and it would be good to hear from those who are going through this and any tips, preparation that can be done 
  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm currently going through chemotherapy for a different type of cancer so I don't know how relevant my experience will be for you as different types of chemo affect you in different ways. I consider myself lucky that I haven't suffered from such side effects as sickness but have just generally felt under the weather and tired. I'd say to listen to your body and try not to push yourself too much. My chemo affects my taste buds so I found that spicy food like curries and chilli were the best to eat as I could taste those.

    If you don't have one you'll need to buy a decent thermometer so that you can check your temperature a couple of times a day. If you live on your own you might want to stock up on easy meals as you probably won't feel like cooking during the early days.

    You should be given a 24 hour emergency contact number to contact the chemo suite if you suffer with any serious side effects. Don't be afraid to call it anytime.

    It would be great if you could pop something about your diagnosis and treatment so far into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

    Wishing you all the best


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi to all those with cancer not just that defined to the stomach and those family or carers looking after them, these people are worth there weight in gold.

    I read peoples stories and im lucky i have stomach cancer but localised had 4 x flot over 8 weeks tumour has reduced in size as far as the CT scan can see its still localised but surgeon wont confirm until i have surgery to remove the tumour on the 5th December 

    3 options : 1.full stomach removal and 4 x post operative chemo

    2.Partial stomach removal and 4 x post chemo 

    3.Best scenario/option still localised, partial gastrectomy, still localised to inside stomach and NO FURTHER CHEMO 

    Keep positive there are so many good outcomes that i see and read here and of course im always interested in hearing from those in similar situations 

    God bless 

  • Hi

    Thanks for the update and it’s good news that you are through chemo.  I had a partial gastrectomy and opted not to have further chemo as there was no cancer left ie it was a clear pathology.

    If it helps I wrote a Blog 


    I now lead a normal life four years on, I was lucky as it was found early!

    Do let us know how you get on!

    Good luck!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Morning

    I had flot x 4 rounds side effects horrendous

    Still have some side effects now 13th month on

    Chemothrapy just kept my tumour stable never shrank it was so dissapointed

    Had full gastrectomy in june 2022

    Ended up in ICU with HAP hospital acquired pneumonia

    I  was a fit healthy 58 year old woman working full time

    Now there is light at the end of the tunnel going back to work soon i swim walk my labradors now 

    Just need to get this dumping syndrome under control

    Oh never had the next rounds of Flot due to the severe side effects and me having pnemonia 

    I stay strong every day and keep going

    I feel lucky when i read other peoples stories 

    My cancer was stage 4 8cm tumour 

    Results show not spread nodes clear

    Tracy x

  • Hi Tracy! Fabulous news you are getting stronger everyday well done. I was stage 4 signet ring and had negative results from my nodes. It’s good to hear you are going returning back to work soon. I’m starting back on Monday just for 4 hours and on a Friday a gradual return. Good luck for the future. Stay strong. 

  • Hi Sweats, I’m wondering if you have your surgery and how are you now.? Hope it all went well for you and good luck with your recovery xx

    Sue Xx
  • Hi Sue and anyone else who is a cancer sufferer

    Pleased to report ive had surgery a Total Gastrectomy nearly 5 weeks ago ive done well in the recovery so far and ive went from liquids to soft foods quite quickly, im back to see my surgeon tomorrow and hope to go onto "normal " foodstuffs. There was NO CANCER  microscopically to see but on taking biopsies (17 in total from stomach area bearing in mind cancer was localised) 4 came back positive! So although effectively no cancer present my oncologist has recommended 4 x FLOT on the minimum doseage to eradicate anything left behind. I have been reasonably good pre operative on the chemo and trust the medical people implicitly so im going to have this, its 5 hours per day x 4 days so a day more out of my life then hopefully i along with wife can lead a reasonable normal life again

    Keep the faith you people out there, there's hope for all

  • Great to hear you are doing well and the operation was successful!  You are now cancer free!  The chemo is just a safety net so you are almost there!

    Good luck!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Great that you are over the surgery and glad it went well, hope the chemos not too bad and you tolerate it well.

    My husbands having his op on Wednesday ( fingers crossed it doesn’t get cancelled) he’s not having chemo, a bit worrying but hospital doesn’t give it to over 75s, he’s 80 in a couple of months. 
    Anyhow well done and do keep us updated on your progress xx

    Sue Xx