My mum diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer

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  • 28 subscribers


I am new here. In June 2022, my mum (74) was diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer, with progressive bony metastases and thickening of the pylorus. She was in hospital for 10 days and discharged without any care plan in place. My Dad (78) is her full time carer and he is doing the best he can. I do not live locally to her - I am 3 hours away.

She was told there was no treatment available, two sets of stomach biopsies have come back inconclusive. She was then referred onto a Breast consultant as they wanted to rule out breast cancer. She had mammogram, ultrasound and lymph node biopsies. Mammogram was clear, ultrasound showed lymph nodes under her armpit were active, biopsies taken and cancer cells were picked up in lymph nodes.

Breast cancer oncologist has run further tests and ruled out breast cancer, its stomach cancer and said my mum is not strong enough to got through chemotherapy or radiotherapy as she has an NJ feeding tube in. She has been given "months" as a prognosis. Our family are devastated. She has been referred back to the GI team who did the initial diagnosis and has an endoscope planned next Tuesday for further biopsies. My mums's NJ tube is getting frequently blocked and she has had to go to A&E to get it flushed out a fortnight ago. She is really missing her food and a cup of tea/coffee.

Palliative care has not started yet even though the breast cancer oncologist has chased up my mum's GP. I have contacted social services and awaiting for a care needs assessment - have been waiting 3 weeks and have arranged for an occupational therapy assessment by the council for equipment which is happening today. My mum's health is deteriorating every day, she is being sick everyday even though GP keeps changing her anti-emetics - none of them seem to be controlling this, is this an expected ongoing symptom for terminal stomach cancer? Do i need to keep chasing up the GP for Palliative Care?

I am at the point of organising personal care for her as i feel so let down by all the services.

Grateful for any advice.


  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read that your mum has been diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer and that you're having problems getting the palliative care in place along with an occupational therapy assessment. Once your mum is discharged from the hospital back into the care of her GP it is up to the GP to arrange palliative care so it might be worthwhile phoning again to find out what is causing the delay.

    As you know, the online community is divided up into different support groups and I think you might benefit from joining the supporting someone with incurable cancer group. The group is for anyone who is supporting someone with a terminal diagnosis and is a safe place to discuss your worries and emotions, as well as practical issues about palliative care, etc. 

    If you'd like to join the group clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there where you can then join and start a new post in the same way as you did here. You can also join in with existing conversations by clicking on 'reply'.

    Sending a virtual (((hug)))

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