Awaiting diagnosis

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  • 27 subscribers

Hi I'm awaiting diagnosis after a mass was found through having a scan. Sample has been taken,  just need to be told what's next. Frightened but have to know. I'm 75 retired,  love by myself,  but daughter nearby,  thank goodness 

  • Hi

    This will be a really difficult and scary time for you.  I had stomach cancer four years ago and remember only too clearly how I felt when I was diagnosed.

    At this stage the medical team will do a lot of tests to get information and this will inform the treatment plan. I had chemo then surgery.  Often there’s more chemo after surgery.

    Once you know what you are dealing with, it is easier.

    You will get support from your medical team but I found this Forum invaluable.

    Do post any questions and good luck!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!