Hi new to the group

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  • 27 subscribers

My dad has just been diagnosed and we are awaiting results and treatment. This is a very worrying time. My sister only passed away 4yrs ago from bowel cancer she was only 34.

my mum and dad haven’t been together since I was a young child so looking after him falls on me. Which I’m ok with but Feeling very overwhelmed and emotional.

I have good support from my mum and friends but find it hard to be honest to them how I’m feeling.

Thanks for reading x

  • Hi, I’m sorry to hear about your dad’s diagnosis and the loss of your sister. You’ve done the right thing by talking to someone on here and airing your emotions! It is very hard and I see you got good support from your mum and friends. But if there are any cancer support centres near you, I’d go along to one and have a chat with someone or phone one of them as it does help to talk to a stranger that can give you a listening ear for you to vent and tell them how you are feeling. My husband went to a Maggies centre and they supported him while he released his emotions. I speak to charity on the phone called CLAN in Scotland and they are great and have helped me talk about my diagnosis. 
    Hope this helps? 

    Take care 


  • Thank you for your reply and kind words.

    will look into different support groups near me.