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Hi I hav stomach cancer I am Laura I’m 49

  • Hello Laura,  welcome.

    Not sure of your circumstances. But good luck. Keep good records, be organised, write down or record what the doctors say. It's a long process but you can do it like millions of others!

    I have T3 2N M0 stomach cancer.

    I'm on FLOT CHEMOTHERAPY. 4 fortnightly cycles, then stomach operation.  Yes it has been a bit tough but hasn't been terrible. A bit of rash, tiredness, tingling fingers. It's the lethargy that's difficult. But I  keep up the exercise and I rest a lot! Got a lot of reading done and watched a lot of classic films.Grin

    Laura, Use the welfare facilities at your hospital. Mine are good

    Best wishes to you xx

    Joe, age 61, London 

  • Hi joe thankyou for replying I have stage 2 stomach cancer the tumors have matastside can’t spell that word sorry and I’m having a targeted therapy infusion every two and a half weeks I’m really struggling with fatigue and eating so currently on a soft food ie angel delight mash potatoe moose yogurt etc and the dreaded Ensure max protein drinks 

  • Hi Laura 

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis.  It’s such a hard thing to come to terms with but you are on a treatment plan which is positive.  You will need to see what impact the targeted therapy has and it’s amazing what the new treatments can do!

    Good luck and do use this Forum for support.


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hi Jac thanks for your lovely message Blush