Mother diagnosed with linitis plastica

  • 5 replies
  • 31 subscribers


my mother in law has been diagnosed with linitis plastica, she started having problems eating in September and was only properly diagnosed in February. She has lost about 4 stone and now cannot eat or drink anything, the doctors and oncologist, don’t seem to be offering her any relief, apart from morphine, we have had to fight for her to be rehydrated on a drip, but they don’t want to do it again! They are still discussing a feeding tube through the nose as one attached to the stomach was not an option due to the spread of the cancer, but everything is taking so long and at the moment every day counts. This is a horrible disease, please can anyone make any suggestions as to where I can go for help for her. 

many thanks 

  • Hey, I’m new here too and although I can’t offer any advice I wanted to respond in support as I feel you entirely. Each day waiting feels horrendous. 

    We feel every emotion waiting, anger, frustration, sadness, helplessness and sheer worry. He can’t eat, he lost several stones since Christmas. He cannot swallow his medication today even the tinniest pills are getting stuck. The wait for support or a plan of action is devastating and heartbreaking. 
    alrhogh I have no advice I want to send a virtual hug and squeeze and know people care xx   

  • Hello

    Im also diagnosed with this horrible disease my chemo keeps being delayed my 3rd week of being delayed.Did your mother in law have any chemo offered? I’ve been offered EOX 

    kind regards kathy

  • Kathy 

    Sorry to hear your chemo has been delayed.  Ihad ECX which is very similar to EOX.  Do you know why your chemo has been delayed?  If it’s your first dose, that’s really hard as you just want to get started on treatment.

    Do post on this Forum as there’s so many positive stories!

    Good luck


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hello it was delayed due to needing the fluid on my abdomen needs to be drained.I’m going into hospital on Monday for that to be done.My chemo was rescheduled for the 14th I’m not sure if it will be delayed again.Yes it’s my first dose.

    kind regards Kathy x

  • Hello - I hope you have managed to get treatment started and there has been some positives. My mother has been diagnosed with LP too and got to a stage where she could not eat or drink, but luckily she had a tube put into the bowel when they took biopsies to confirm the cancer. This has truly been a lifeline to date. I would be keen to understand what treatment you have been offered and how this is working. I wish you the best of luck in this battle.