New here - Dad's Stomach Cancer Diagnosis

  • 2 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hi All

It's been really comforting to find this community and read your stories and advice. 

My dad was diagnosed with stomach cancer last week. He had been vomiting and losing his appetite over the last month or so and after further tests, they found he was bleeding internally and was rushed to hospital for an emergency blood transfusion. He is also a diabetic and recently diagnosed as anaemic. At the hospital, they found a tumour and confirmed it was cancer.  

I live overseas so I called my dad the day he found out and he was crying hard over the phone and I was completely heartbroken to hear him like that. I decided to jump on a plane the next day to be with my parents while we find out more.

He was due to get an endoscopy done to see if it had spread but unfortunately he was rushed into hospital again for another transfusion and managed to catch COVID. His endoscopy has been delayed until he is out of isolation. 

Its been a rollercoaster and I am still here to be with my parents but deciding on whether I should just quit my job overseas and stay with them so I can send time and help them through it all. Has anyone else had to do something similar? My work has been understanding but with all the delays, I feel like it would be easier to just focus on family.

  • I am sorry to hear about your dad.   It must be a very worrying time with COVID to deal with too!  At this point you won’t know what you are dealing with.  I remember it as a stressful and scary time.  Getting your head around a diagnosis of cancer is hard and it’s good that you are able to be with your dad and your family.

    The next stage will be to carry out tests - usually an endoscopy and CT / MRI scans. Once the medical team have all the information they will decide on a treatment plan.

    It may be a good idea to wait and see what the treatment plan is and you can decide about your job.  
    Hope your dad starts to pick up and that COVID is not too bad for him.

    Take care 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thank you Jac, that makes sense. I don't think I could leave now anyway as it wouldn't feel right. My dad is just fed up to be honest but at least I can be here to look after him. 

    Hope you are ok yourself and thanks again for taking the time to reply :)