Hello joined due to my mums recent diagnosis

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Good evening I was looking around the web for information on stomach cancer and came across this via the NHS site. 
my mum who is 59  was recently (18/08/21) advised she has stomach cancer. She knows very little other than a meeting was been held today with other medical professionals. The outcome would be a call on Monday to tell her who will conduct the operation what they hope to do where it will take place and when. Rewind 9 weeks when mum finally listened to the family us her children and attended an appointment with a GP. Bloods,showed issues with liver functioning ,  stool samples, x-rays, MRI scan , Ct scans, cameras down (endoscopy) and cameras up .letters advised an ulcer and hernia also been found.  15 biopsies were taken 5 weeks after another scan was requested the next day the news was given. My mother has been very unwell for 3/4 years, this last year more so. Lockdown caused issues getting an appointment so she delayed it. Last 6 months lost 4 stone, she cannot eat does tries small amounts of soft foods this results in pain, like heartburn sickness or rapid bowel movement. (Blood present) Swallowing is an issue unless it melts in her mouth like ice cream. She feels very full after a few teaspoonful of food. She feels pain and fatigue daily. Her throat is hoarse and husky also. 
we have loads of questions just hoping we get answers soon. She thinking the worst of course and so worried she is terminal. 
I not sure how I feel relief that we getting somewhere but devastated at the same time. We have few more sleeps to get through until Monday gets her call she was advised to have a hospital bag ready as she requires an operation ASAP. She is prepared just waiting by the phone now. 
we are gathering as a family on Sunday to have some family time and talk a bit more. There is four of us who will support mum and my dad through this but we don’t know where to start, do I started looking online. 

mum had cervical cancer in 1996 while female reproductive system was removed all clear given 5 years later. 

any advice would be nice 

kind regards 

  • Hi. I can’t offer much advice but I am in a similar situation. My Mum has just been diagnosed with a rare type of gastrointestinal cancer called a Gist. Like your Mum my Mum has suffered for years with swallowing and digestive problems. She had swallowing tests done 2 years ago and never really got the follow up required. This was before COVID so that cannot be blamed. Last November she got to a point where pain around her breast was unbearable and she went to hospital. Unfortunately she then also had COVID and the hospital were unable to deal with the pain and lump she complained of. Later it emerged that this was caused by the Gist - a tumour 5 cm by 3.5 cm between her stomach and her spleen.

    I hope that your Mum soon gets treated and wish you well. Even getting the support from this MacMillan site is reassuring and makes us feel not alone.

    Best Wishes.