Six Months On

  • 11 replies
  • 29 subscribers

I had a full gasterectomy six months ago after chemotherapy. The operation was a success and was followed up with chemotherapy that finished in May.

Since then my food intake has progressed and with the help of the dietician. I feel that I have made good progress although my system does seem to process food rather rapidly.

I am looking forward to further progress over the coming months and if any one has any tips on how this can be achieved I would be most grateful.

If anyone is waiting for this procedure and I can provide any support I would be delighted to do so.

  • Hi Chad, 

    Hope you're doing well, I'm just waiting for the same procedure as I can't continue with chemotherapy because of a heart attack, how have you found life since? Xx 

  • Hi

    I have experienced a steady improvement that I hope to see continuing

    I try to avoid sugary foods and chocolate and excess intake of liquid ie fruit juice coca cola etc

     This seems to help to slow down the digestive system and avoid the need to be aware of the location of the nearest toilet 

    Hope this helps 

    Very best wishes 


  • Hi

    Thank you for you reply, its nice to chat to someone who gets what's going on Blush im so glad things are progressing well for you, its all very scary and daunting at first isn't it! 


  • Hi Lynne

    Yes it is but just believe in the care you will receive and you will come out with much relief afterwards.

    The staff were wonderful and time goes very quickly

    Very best wishes 


  • Hi Chad

    I'm glad to hear that, thank you for your good wishes, the team dealing with me have been amazing, so I have every faith in them Blush 

    Hope your recovery continues in the right direction,

    Take care

    Lynne x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Chad I hope you don’t mind me asking, what age group are you in. Don’t need to be exact just an idea. I have posted about my mum today. Not being recommended due to her age but she is not ill other than the cancer. It’s great to hear your doing well after such a major op 

  • Hi Snowbelle

    Thank you for getting in touch. I was a slightly overweight 73 year old when I was first seen by the surgeon.

    I had various excercises to do like riding a bicycle to assess breathing.

    kind regards


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Chad1

    Thank you for you quick response. It gives us some encouragement to maybe proceed with the operation knowing how well you are doing. Doctors have told us about the major risk involved but I suppose they have to do that. Hope you keep improving every day. Thank you for your answer. 

  • How long did it take to feel normal again? I eat very small amounts but nothing stays in. Can I ask what you eat? I am 6 weeks post op and going for FLOT chemo on the 13th September. I am 48. Did you try pancreatic enzymes? I’m not sure if that’s what’s making me ill and was fine before starting those? Thank you

  • Hi Sunflower 1973

    I also struggled in the early months and I finished flot in May After this I began to improve. My early experiences sound similar to yours.

    I now find that if I avoid sweet food like chocolate cake biscuits and sweet drinks I am so much better 

    I hope this is helpful and I am sure you will make progress through time.

    I have been talking enzymes for a couple of months 

    Best regards 


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