
  • 2 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hi, Slim70 here new to the site.

Ive been diagnosed with stomach cancer ,at bottom of the oesophagus. Have gone through CT scan, PET scan, 2 laparoscopy

Waiting to see the Oncologist and to have some fitness training, to get fit for a full stomach removal op.

As you can imagine i am in a bad place, unsure of what to do, and whats coming.

Is there anybody who can tell me what their life style was/is after having their stomach removed.

any information would be appreciated



  • Hi

    Sorry you have found yourself in this group but I am sure you will find lots of support.  I had a partial gastrectomy three years ago and recovered well.  You can read my Blog by clicking on my name.  
    While I was lucky and only a partial gastrectomy was required many others on this site had a full gastrectomy and adjusted well.

    Eating little and often is important especially in the early days.  I got great advice from the Oespheagal Patient Association website 


    It’s a good place to start and I am sure the medical team will give you support and advice.

    My life is pretty much as before, I eat smaller portions but still eat out although less due to Covid.

    Happy to answer any questions you have!

    Good luck!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hi Slim, 

    I'm also waiting for the same op, I have a heart problem that's halted my chemo so we're going straight for surgery, im like you, a bit scared of the unknown but I'm happy to chat to you in the same boat Slight smile