What’s next after chemotherapy?

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My partner was diagnosed last august with stage 4 stomach cancer. He is currently having OXCAP. The response has been amazing, however we are both intrigued to know what people have done next? Surgery was never an option from the oncologists point of view. I would love to know about other people journeys in this position. 

Thank you 

  • Hi EOXS,

    I'm so glad your partner has had a great response to chemo.

    My dad had a complete response at stage IV with FOLFOX - basically the same but with 5-FU via a pump instead of the capecitabine tablets. Our (now ex) oncologist didn't know what to do with him. He recommended maintenance 5-FU (or maintenance capecitabine) with the assumption it would keep him clear a while before inevitable relapse. And he did relapse after 5 months - just a single node. Which was the point where I argued hard for surgery. Things have changed a lot over the past few years - if the cancer team keeps up with latest developments. If this had been him now, he would have been referred straight for surgery on his complete response.

    But to answer your question directly, there are pretty much three options:

    1) watch and wait - basically do nothing and scan.

    2) maintenance chemo, normally 5-FU sand/or herceptin for the HER2+

    3) surgery if the shrinkage makes one eligible. It is worth asking, questioning and researching if this might be the case if there's been a complete/near complete response. And requesting a second opinion if there is any doubt.

    Best of luck in the next part of the journey and feel free to DM me if you wish.

    SDH x

    Knowledge makes us stronger. Research, question, share and demand more from your doctors. Read my profile for my dad's stage IV story.