Stomach Cancer and Chemo

  • 11 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hi all

I am new to this website.  I was diagnosed with Stomach cancer on 4 March.  I have to start Chemo next week for 4 sessions followed by a partial or full stomach removal.  Then further 4 sessions of Chemo.

I am 54 and live alone and wonder if I will need help at home when I start the chemo? After reading the side effects of the chemo, it sounds very frightening, panful and debilitating.  

Can anybody share their experiences and what I should expect.  Also would you recommend on whether you think I would need help at home? 

  • Hi

    Glad you have found this group because you will find lots of support here.  I could have managed on my own through chemo but you will need to get prepared.  I would imagine you will get priority for online shopping especially at this time due to Coronavirus.  Going to the shops was something I avoided and so stocking up on easy to eat foods and lots of water!  I drank 2 to 3 litres per day which was really important.

    I ate little and often and found this helped although it was an effort on some days!  I wrote a Blog of my experiences so if you click on my name you should find it.

    If you have any questions please post them here or PM me.  I will send you a Friend request 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Jacquiw10

    Hi Jacquiw10

    Thank you so much for your response. I will read your blog.  I have got my first appointment today with the Oncologist and to discuss my Chemo.  I am pretty scared and don't know what to expect.  But hopefully I will get some more information on what is ahead of me.

  • Hi

     I think this is the worst time, I remember feeling absolutely terrified and it must be all the more difficult at the moment due to Coronavirus.  Once you know what the treatment programme is you can start preparing.   Let us know how you get on!

    Take care


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hi Scarlet23,

    I've been through chemo and a gastrechtomy. I would say as others have said, get food and essentials in as there will be days where you won't feel like doing anything and it's important you eat as much as you can before surgery to build up your strength. Also, exercise and get strong as there will be many weeks post surgery where you won't be able to. The fitter you are before surgery, the quicker you'll recover.

    Please get in touch and I can let you know more about what I did. My operation was early August 2019. I'm now fitter and healthier than ever before in my life.


    Debra x

    Stomach cancer survivor
    There is always hope, you just need to open your eyes and heart Slight smile
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to dbc

    Hi Debra

    Thank you so much for your message it was reassuring.  It is just preparing for the unknow that is scary. I am still trying to get my head around all the information and leaflets that I was given. It was overwhelming.

    If you don't mind I will be in touch.



  • Hi Scarlet,

    Anything I can do to help, just let me know.

    Debra x

    Stomach cancer survivor
    There is always hope, you just need to open your eyes and heart Slight smile
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to dbc

    Hi Debra 

    I got a letter from the hospital and start FLOT chemo on Wednesday.  Can I ask how quickly does your hair fall out?


  • Scarlet 

    I didn’t have FLOT but had a similar chemo ECX.  FLOT is the gold standard treatment now. 

    My hair thinned from three weeks and continued for a month after treatment stopped.  I know that others on this group shaved their head but I chose not to.

    I bought a wig but didn’t use it in the end as my hair was just really baby thin and fine in the end.  I also bought some nice hats from a website and wore them.  

    The first cycle is the hardest as you don’t know what to expect but ask advice from the Specialist Nurse particularly related to nausea.  I had to try a number of different ones! 

    Polo mints and Rich Tea biscuits helped - neither of which I can face now! 

    Drinking 2 to 3 litres of water every day was essential so I kept big bottles in the fridge and just drank as much as possible.

    Any other questions just ask and someone will help!

    Take care


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Jacquiw10

    Thanks for your response and advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Scarlet, I also had 4 rounds of FLOT before surgery and after round 3, a lot came out. I had shoulder length, very thick hair, so I got it cut very short then. For me, it was just not practical to let it keep falling out everywhere. I got a wig, but as it was autumn, then winter, throughout my treatment, i just wore woolly hats. Tricky now its spring, I am going to look for some nice sun hats.

    Good luck with treatment, I consider myself lucky in that I did not suffer too much with the chemotherapy before surgery, I mainly got neuropathy, no nausea at all. Please stay positive, it affects people in different ways, you may sail through. 

    Maggie x