Cancer Treatment continues

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  • 23 subscribers

I do not know if any one here was herew when I first joined 4 years ago ? A lot has happened and happening. Just wondering if anyone has gone through what I am now going through, and what course of actiuon should be taken ?

So, I was Diagnosed with Oesphagel Cancer in 2020 and put on chemo and the likes, and then a Major op the following year. Since then, I have been ubale to work, and struggle a lot these days, as I have lost almost half of my origianl healthy weight. I was advised by Macmillan not to accept redundancy, nor to quit, as it would affect the benefits cancer victims can claim.  SInce then, I have been sending in the Sick notes, to keep the company updated and as proof as ongoing health issues. 

Yesterday I recieved an Email requresting a meeting with company to discuss the ongoing health issues etc.. I do not treust them, and feel like it is another trap to force me out of wrok, despite the face, that I am medically advised not to and the fit-notes state that. I have agreed that I woluld take a voliced call, and not a video call, and that any recording made, a full, unditted copy woud be sent to me within 2 days of the call.

I understand, that I have not been to work since 2020 and it is not through not wanting to. Sadly, with so many people abusing company sick schemes, it makes it very difficult for us genuine sufferers. 

Dear Phil

I am writing on behalf of the Company to invite you to attend a meeting for a health update and to discuss your ongoing absence. This meeting will be held by myself and can take place by video or telephone call as we appreciate you may not be well enough to attend site. As you are aware, you have now been absent from the business since  2020 and are kindly keeping the Company up to date on your absence status by submitting doctors notes; the current one expiring March 2025. Since you have been absent there have been many changes in management which I can update you on when we speak. Please contact me on receipt of this letter to make arrangements for the meeting.

I have removed exact details from the above letter. but am sure you can see where I am coming from. The company has not paid me in years, and send me a payslip every monthg with a total earnings of £000.00 but by doing this, I am kept on their books, which is what Macmillans told me was needed,

Where do I go from here ?

What should I expect to happen next ?

I cannot eat, I cannot sleep, I cannot concentrate, I am mfalling apart, and I get this sort of thing, and it is not helping me.

Thanks in advance.

  • Hi, I’m sorry to hear about your current situation, it must be very difficult for you.

     I think you need to get some professional advice, have you spoken to Mackmillan again or maybe a Trade Union representative/ citizen advice. I wouldn’t be on my own for the telephone call, you need someone with you to transcribe, I would treat it like they are giving you information rather than you agreeing with what is being said, as you will need time to reflect and process what is being said to you,

    good luck x

  • Thanks Sop. Tjhat is my thinking, however, I quit the union due to the advice that they gave me, They said that they would negotiate a "leaving deal" which went totally against what macmillain advised. As time passed, the supoort I had from professionals dwindled, as the people that were helpiong, have left now. I was told I would be called back, that was 4 months ago, never got the call, so I reached out to an organization that helped with disabilities, waiting to hear the result of that help, the governnment do not rush things do they ?

    The person doing the metting is an HR Director, not anyone I was in contact with during the many many years I was working. 

  • I contacted macmillans support line, and they have closed the department, instead they told me to call acas. After wating over an hour on the call, I hung up. Cannot deal with this right now. Instead, a much better service is with ecass if you know anyone that needs similar help.