Eating problems

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  • 24 subscribers

I am in hospital atm with some probs and wondered if anyone else has suffered similar...(adenocarcinoma,  pyloric stent). For nearly the last 2 weeks i have been feeling bloated , and reflux even after the smallest of meals, it was suspected there was a issue with my stent but xrays with contrast said it looked good , my oncologist ordered a repeat endoscopy , but the endoscopy consultant refused to do it in case he disturbed the stent and insisted in a ct (booked for tomorrow) I have been living virtually on soup for the last to weeks with a the odd spoon of mashed potatoes .tonight I tried very small chicken in sauce with mash but that provoked indigestion,  reflux and i finally vomited i get hardly any sleep especially on the ward and getting perturbed and worried..has any one else had experiencing this , things seemed to be going so well , now I am wondering if the cancer is getting worse , will find out tomorrow 

  • Hi, I’m sorry you’re having a rough time and hope that they can help you to feel more comfortable and that it isn’t anything getting worse, sending hugs Hugging 

  • Just an update ...after 8 days in hospital and a CT scan they have just give me a diagnosis apparently my pyloric stent is partially blocked. fluids will eventually drain but anything thicker than soup will cause problems I don't know what they will do now clear it or replace it , Mind you they did say my cancer was stable and responding well after only 4 rounds off chemo and immunotherapy..

  • Replying to my own comment ...Doctors came round again  today to give me results of CT scan , I said i had been told (see yesterday's post) ..I told them and they said no perhaps it was a typo ....the fact is they now are not sure the stent is blocked and there are now lymph nodes involved signifying there could still be active cancer cells , but so far my organs are OK  ...according to statistics my survival has plummeted from 75% to 35% ...I don't know what is suffering more my stomach or my wits

  • I am so sorry to read your update! It’s beyond belief that you could get such conflicting information! Is it worth asking for a meeting with the consultant and have a member of your family or a friend with you? 
    You must be feeling absolutely awful and that’s not helping! 
    Hope you get better news soon! 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • The Doc are having a meeting tomorrow , and will prob decide what if anything they can do.or want to do either way I want to know ..

  • I have seen my oncologist today and have had a good chat about my problems , where they can find no issues with the stent the have concluded that my stomach has "gone to sleep" and needs kickstarting so the are giving me metoclopramide..with regards to the cancer the tumour in my stomach has shrunk along with the spots on my peretoneum,  however the have said the affected lymph nodes above my stomach (which i didn't know about) have increased in size , but the were not causing any issues ...I am hoping to be a allowed home this week 

  • That’s progress! Hopefully you can begin your recovery! You have had such a difficult time. 
    Take care! 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • I hope you get home this week, I’m sure that will help you to feel better, wishing you luck x