Year ago

  • 8 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Well where as that year  gone, a year today I had my operation  to remove my stomach. 

It's not been easy with lots of upset and fear of unknown.  And learning a new way of life with eating smaller  portions sometimes  getting it wrong and having lots of trouble  with bile 

  1. Anyone out there who's had same operation  and how long ago to give a bit of advice  would be appreciated  
  • Hi, I had my operation at the end of April this year, I haven’t suffered with any bile, still taking omeprazole once a day. The only thing that is causing me a problem is diarrhoea as I haven’t been able to identify what foods are causing it. I’m mostly eating slightly smaller portions than before the op, so thinking I have been quite lucky, sorry I can’t offer any advice to you x

  • Thanks I am glad you are recovering and it's nice to find out how other people are coping 

    Nic nac

  • Hi Nicnac, nice to hear from you again and pleased you’re doing better apart from the bile, can’t really help on that as my husband gets in at least once a week at night (early hours, up coughing and spluttering)  we asked about Omeprazole   and was told it wouldn’t make any difference as he hasn’t a stomach, there was something else he could have had but side effects weren’t so good so didn’t bother. Was it your surgeon who suggested it?

    Food wise Nic he’s eating a good amount and weights kinds stable. 
    I’m wondering if anyone has CT scans as my husband hasn’t  had any and if not how do you know everything’s ok. He had his RC 20 months ago,

    Sue Xx
  • Hi, I was on 2 x20mg tablets before the operation, it was just reduced to one daily afterwards. I take the odd rennie as required. I’m expecting a follow up CT scan in about 6 weeks time and an oncologist appointment in about 8 weeks.

    On a separate note I have been accepted onto a clinical trial which will give me a  contrast CT every 6 months for the next 3 years and an endoscopy after 12 months, this is to see if an enhanced follow up will pick up any cancer reoccurrence earlier rather than the usual follow up which only includes scans if there are new symptoms. X

  • Ahh thanks Sop, I bet you’re happy with all the follow ups kinda gives you a bit of pease of mind. As my husband has/had 3 cancers I would have thought they’d be a bit more on the ball, I wonder if it’s his age 81 but hope that’s not the reason. He’s doing well at the moment so I’ll just take that. 
    You say you were taking the tablets before your op, do you think that was a symptom of stomach cancer, Im on the same tablets and just wondering if there masking something more sinister, my husband also had acid before he was diagnosed. 

    Sue Xx
  • Sorry Nic for taking over your post xx

    Sue Xx
  • Hi, yes absolutely I have issues and I am one year post op. I struggle to maintain weight and my passion for food left post op. I wasn’t expecting this as I read that everyone was eating normal, maybe small portions but the same food. My diet has changed so much and it’s not enjoyable. On a positive note I’m doing great! I’m sad that eating remains an issue one year on but grateful to be enjoying life. I have different tastes now and my love of bread is gone completely as I cannot tolerate it, well I can manage half a slice of toast for breakfast of a certain type of bread. I still have dumping syndrome. I just learn to live with it.

  • Anyone on PPI medication should have an annual checkup, I do think that my cancer is related to taking a high dose of omeprazole over 20 years is linked, however, some research says it is and some say it isn’t so can’t be sure on this. It took 6 months to get the referral xx