4 weeks post-op, liquid in the lungs

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Horrible week for us. Poor husband had fever since Monday, GP couldn’t be bothered until on Wednesday he had a blood test (which we had to fight for 10 days ago, a different story) which showed high infection markers. Then gp became interested and prescribed antibiotics on Thursday morning. With the instructions of calling 111 if no improvements by Saturday. 
Friday was actually way worse, couldn’t eat almost anything, fever up to 38.7

Called 111 this morning, and they sent ambulance. The paramedics were lovely but couldn’t recommend anything apart from going to a&e and asking for blood tests and X-ray. So five hours later we know the problem. But they couldn’t sort it right there. We were promised a day procedures appointment on Monday or Tuesday. “Meanwhile he will feel horrible”. Yeah, and not be able to eat and lose even more weight. 

  • I am so sorry to hear about your husband. What a worry for you! It seems wrong that he is left to suffer all weekend until they can carry out the procedure on Monday or Tuesday.  Is he back home until then?


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Yes, he is at home. It’s so scary. :( 

  • I’m really sorry to read your post, if he gets any worse I would call 999, they should have admitted him with that temperature and his diagnosis.

     I hope that you both manage to get some rest, and that he starts to feel better soon, thinking of you xx

  • Their logic was that the only thing that a ward can do for him over the weekend is IV. So as long as we can manage the fever with paracetamol and he can keep water and some broth down, he is better off at home. These are my redlines for calling 999. 
    Shocking that it’s not a small community hospital, it’s a major one, and nobody to do a simple procedure over the weekend. 

  • I hope he is feeling better today, I think he should have had IV antibiotics with that temperature x

  • There were more “exciting” developments. On Sunday he felt even worse, and another call to 111 and another ambulance dispatched. The paramedic luckily convinced him to go to A&E. After many, many hours of waiting they started better antibiotics, and on Monday morning a really lovely pulmonologist came and diagnosed post-operational pneumonia, with fluids being the complication, not the cause. 
    He is home but with a stronger antibiotics and feeling much better. They’ve also put him for follow-up X-ray on Thursday and in 6 weeks, hopefully that’s the end of this detour. 
    I’m quite upset with the original hospital for missing the initial signs and not providing any specialist physiotherapy. Apparently this happens to 1 in 5 patients after a major abdominal surgery. 

  • Hi, I’m pleased to hear that he is feeling better today, it may be worth talking to their PALS team, I’m not surprised you are upset with the initial hospital assessment, he should have been treated sooner given his diagnosis.

     I hope he continues to improve x