Chemo expectations

  • 5 replies
  • 24 subscribers

I have just started chemo and immunotherapy  for adenocarcinoma  in my stomach and peretinoum  31/07.I have had infusions at the cancer centre and now on tablets at home I am now on day 3 of a 21 day course date I have not noticed any major side effects except being tired lack of energy and and lethargic  and I feel like I have had a few beers and now I feel as sick as a dog not so far so good , some symptoms have not as yet materialised as warned ie reactions to cold and cold foods and drinks , which is handy for this weather there any one here roughly in this just started this regime to compare with..thanks .. I am taking  capecitabine  2x500mg and 2x 250 twice a day .

Quick update ...been fine all day now threw up 3 hrs after my last chemo tablets ...

  • Hi  

    I'm not a member of this forum, so can't help with any shared experiences of this treatment, but noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list again.

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  • Hi, I hope you are feeling better today, I haven’t had that regime so sorry I can’t help with that, I was warned about the cold stuff with my chemo and have kept away from the fridge and freezer while I was having treatment x

  • Sorry, not familiar with this protocol. With FLOT they give antiemetic on the day and then to take at home as needed, did they mention anything like that to you? 

  • I was given 1 type some antisickness for 3 days to be taken with my chemo doses ..then a different one to be taken 3  times a day when needed prob I have is that with my stomach cancer and stent I cannot eat 3 meals a day bit little and often...I reserve 2 doses fore when I take chemo and the last usually in the middle of the day which doesn't always coincide with a meal or snack., I will deff have to bring that one up ....not literally lol

  • So far I have not suffered that side effect ..iceream and chilled desserts are much easier for me to digest at the moment.