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Wondering before being diagnosed did anyone have pain in chest but also in the back between the shoulder Blades (one sided) ..

Also no weightloss but always bloated fleeing?  This week I have started gaving lots of wind which I never had before either

Heartburn and pain are murdering me all day long, currently being investigated but this is the Drs thoughts stomach/oesophagus etc 


  • Yes mate I had that , horrendously noisy gurgling farting like a trouper , horrible bloating pain under breastbone , I had a gist which was occluding the wasn't till I developed a ulcer which gave some visual symptoms ,until then  I just thought it was a by product of age , indigestion and reflux , my advice get checked out , unfortunately  mine has spread ..just started chemo this week ...any questions ask I will do my best to answer..good luck

  • Thanks for your reply, trying to prepare myself as my partner is just over oesophageal cancer and some symptoms are the same but not all, the dr seem s to think its more stomach..

    I never had wind day & night before or much even after food its getting more often.

    Roll on the tests

    Good luck on your journey 

  • Hi, I had an awful amount of wind which I couldn’t get rid of, it wasn’t like it was stuck going up and down but not coming out at all. No pain as such just some discomfort after eating certain foods like bread which couldn’t get past the tumour. Did bring up clear fluid even though I was on omeprazole twice a day x

  • I had a stent fitted to help my stomach empty  one food I am not allowed is bread , apparently it absorbs moisture and can cause a blockage 

  • Thanks for your reply, bread is a struggle for me it seems to stick in my back also its get more uncomfortable each day

  • Thanks for getting back to me bread is a struggle for me too but even if I gulp water it seems to stick in my chest or back i was just wondering if people get the back pain also as its not listed as a symptom.