Post partial gastrectromy

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Hi all

i I had my surgery 6 weeks ago today. This was oesophageal gastrectomy and Ivor Lewis, so very long (11hrs) and 9 days in hospital. I’ve since lost around 22 pounds in weight, a lot of it is catabolic so it eats your muscle. I plan on keeping the weight down and getting the musics back if I can.

The main reason for posting is that I got the histology back yesterday and it was the best news I could have hoped for. The chemo was as affective as it could have been and allowed the surgeon to get wide margins and there’s no cancer outside the stomach or in the lymph nodes. I’m having a meeting with oncologist to decide about another 4 rounds of FLOT but unless my risk is significant I’ll try and resist it. I won’t take any undue risks with further possible spread but the chemo was very tough last time. 
My own message to anyone starting this journey is to be really positive and take it in your stride because you’re very likely to have an excellent outcome these days. I’m not going to lie, I was shitting it back in December but now I feel like I’ve been given a second chance which I’m going to take with both hands. 
Good luck to everyone and feel free to ask me anything and I’ll try and help. 

  • Great news! Thanks for sharing this as it’s so helpful to hear positive stories! I chose not to have more chemo after surgery but the oncologist did try to persuade me! Although I think they have to offer it and you make the decision! 

    Good luck with your recovery!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • What was the reason Jac? Was it not worth it for the extra risk? 

  • That’s so amazing I’m so happy for you

  • I had a clear pathology i.e there was no cancer present so the chemo had done its job. 
    I found chemo hard and I got uveitis in my eye. I lost a lot of weight which I had just got stabilised.  The oncologist had said that chemo after surgery is harder. 
    The surgeon said he wouldn’t recommend me having more chemo as there was a 95% chance there would be no recurrence. 
    I said to the oncologist that I had cancer twice and that chemo had risks in my case. I have some neuropathy from the first time. So I didn’t want to risk any more damage to my body and my recovery as I may need chemo in the future. 
    He agreed that was a sensible decision!!!

    His view was that there was a very good chance that the cancer would not recur but that there was a Very Very Good chance if I had more chemo!

    My view was he had to offer it but for me I wanted to recover and gain weight! 
    Every decision is about listening to the medical advice but make the decision that is right for you! 
    I am now 5 years post surgery and life is good!

    Good luck!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hi, I’m seeing the oncologist tomorrow following my operation 5 weeks ago and I’m expecting to be asked the question about post op chemo.

    sorry to ask but did you mean that the chance of your cancer reoccurrence was increased if you had more chemo after the surgery. Thanks Blush 

  • No the oncologist said it would be reduced! But in my case it was a low risk of recurrence!  I was very lucky as my cancer was a chance find. 
    For me the risk of damage to my body and whether I could be manage more chemo was a bigger risk in my view. 
    I have had cancer twice so I will always worry that I will get cancer again and I would want to have whatever chemo I needed! 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thanks for replying, as I’m reasonably ok I will probably go ahead, I feel I have been lucky in my recovery so far x