Follow up

  • 12 replies
  • 24 subscribers

I just wondered what is everyone’s follow up plan after TG? I’ve been told I won’t have any CT scans and they’ll just discuss symptoms and then if I need one they’ll do one which massively panics me!! 

  • Yes the same  for my husband, first one was 3 months then 6 months now a year and this one will just be a phone call, he was told if he has a problem or symptoms to get in touch ( he never had symptoms before so not sure about that) it is scary not having a scan and I can’t understand why they don’t do it. His TG was 16 months ago. Good luck x

    Sue Xx
  • It seems to be the norm not to have a scan after the surgery, I’m going to ask the question when I see the consultant x

  • I think it’s really interesting how the monitoring phase differed from hospital to hospital, it would be great to hear from more people. I had my TG in March and in April I had a CT. I am starting my last 4 chemo treatments, first one is this Thursday. I was told by my oncologist that I will have a CT scan at the year of year one and during that time they will only monitor my blood for elevated markers (which I never had, even at the very beginning). I am just like you, Chloe, very anxious about that as I was also told that the remission is most likely in years one and two. 

  • It’s so strange!! Where did you get treated and what stage were you?xx

  • I’m at the Royal Marsden in London. I thought the standard was CT scans every 3 months the first year, every 6 the second year and once a year after that??  I’m stage 2

    Where are you with your treatment?

  • Is it your oncologist that orders your scans or your surgeon? I’m treated at Clatterbridge for chemo, but surgery I’ve decided to go elsewhere x

  • It’s the surgeon, he’s also at the Royal Marsden. The oncologist was the one who explained the monitoring process at my last appointment. I was quite surprised as I expected a CT 3 months after the last chemo but now I’m being told I won’t get one for a whole year. I’ll be living in fear that entire year! 

  • It’s very scary! I’m torn between two surgeons at the moment either George Hanna at imperial or Oliver Priest at stoke on Trent. I wanted a surgeon who specialises in radical node removal, but I felt like my local hospital couldn’t deliver that. What type of stomach cancer did you have?

  • I have intestinal adenocarcinoma with some signet ring cells. I am waiting for genetic testing to see if I have CDH1 mutation as I have family history of stomach cancer. I have 3 kids so I’m praying it’s not genetic, but I have a feeling it is… 

    what treatments have you had so far? 

  • Same as me! I’ve had 3 FLOT so far! Did they say your tumour had a response to FLOT? What was your staging after surgery? Sorry for all the questions x