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  • 21 subscribers

I had my first FLOT yesterday and had to go to a&e last night due to these horrific pains that came under my left breast and around my stomach and back, it was like electric shocks in waves and lasted about 20 seconds! I kept having a slow heart rate and also missing the odd beat when I felt my pulse. I had an ECG, chest X-ray and bloods which were all okay. Seems to have settled today but it definitely scared me! I wonder if anyone else had the same as me? 

  • Hi Chloe 

    I’m sorry you have suffered from your first round of FLOT, I didn’t get any of those symptoms, hope you are improving x

  • Yes, similar to what my husband had! 
    The A&S doctor thought it’s costochondritis, since ECG was normal. 

    In the second cycle definitely doing better with the oncologist’s advice to do filgrastim injections before bed rather than in the morning. 
    But wait, if you got this pain on day 1 of chemo you didn’t have any injections yet? 

  • Yeah not started the injections yet! I was told to do them at night also :) I wanted to get checked because the 5Fu can cause coronary spasm! But all okay today Hearts️ how’s your husband?

  • Yes, fingers crossed the second cycle went easier than the first so far.