My dad has Stage 4 Stomach Cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 25 subscribers


I am new to this. I am 24 years old and my dad is 57 years old. He has stage 4 stomach Cancer which is terminal. 

He got diagnosed in September and since then has just been getting worse and not had the best of treatment. He reacted badly to Chemo and almost died. He also found out that he had 2 big blood clots in his leg. So he was put on blood thinners which cased his tumour to bleed badly on Christmas day. They said he could have hours to live. Luckily he pulled through. He was in hospital with blood transfusions to help him. He is no longer allowed the blood thinners due to its a risk of making his tumour bleed badly again. However he has now got lots of blood clots all over his body including in his lung. He is now home but he hasn't got long left. 

I'm just struggling at the moment as he is the closest person to me.

  • I’m so very sorry to read about your dad Charlotte, I’ve got no words of advice but couldn’t just scroll past, I hope someone will be along soon who could give you some advise but in the meantime you could phone up the MacMillan help line and there’s also cancer chat that’ll help I’m sure. Just sending you a massive hug. Xx

    Sue Xx
  • I am so sorry to hear this about your dad… reach out to cancer support groups in your area as well as on here,  such as a Maggies centre they will give you face to face support… I’m sending a virtual hug to your dad and you… Take care 


  • So sorry to hear this, goodness, there are many people to reach out to you, never feel alone, X

  • Charlotte. I am so sorry to hear about your dad.  This must be just devastating for you and your family.  I hope the medical team can make him comfortable and control his pain so that you can spend precious time with him.

    Do reach out to a Maggie’s Centre or Marie Curie as they provide support to those with terminal illness and their families. I know that a local hospice can give great care and support to help you through this sad time.

    Take care x


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!