My wife list her battle

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Hi I posted a while back about my partners cancer, skin cancer which spread to her stomach and she was having immunotherapy treatment for a number of years which kept it stable.

  • Last July, the weekend of her 60th, she had a massive seizure and spent her birthday weekend in hospital. They told us she had two small lesions in her brain, when we went to see her specialist they told us a tumour was growing in the muscle in her thigh, tumour on her kidneys, that they were popping up everywhere and nothing more they could do, After a nearly 6 year battle she was given a few months, she only got 5 weeks, she went into hospice for pain management and never came home, she died 17th November last year, this has devasted me  and our family as it was so unexpected,  we managed to get married in the hospice and I couldn't thank them enough for arranging everything. We were together for 11 years, married for 10 days. Don't know how to deal with this, some days I just think she is still in hospital and she be coming home. I feel if the doctors hadn't withdrawn she immunotherapy she may of had longer, we would of had longer.