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  • 25 subscribers

Can anybody help me , Today i had my appointment with GI nurse . Is it normal  to have another scan 5 mths after operation its worring me ?

  • Hi nicnac12,

    I think most people get scans after surgery. It’s a follow up to see how you are. I had my rectal surgery end of March 2023 and got CT scan six months later. If you’re worried speak to your GI nurse again and I’m sure she will reassure you. My colorectal nurses always answer any of my questions

    and put me at ease. Try not to worry, just keep talking there are plenty of people in the cancer community who will help.

    Take care Hugging Cecilia.

  • Thank you  for your reassurance  and kind words 

    Nic nac

  • I think 6 months is standard follow up and regular scans are part of that!  They are always stressful and ‘scananxiety’ is a real issue! I think the follow up depends on the stage of the cancer.  I just had outpatient appointments and no scans because mine was early stage cancer but I had scans for three years after the colon cancer.  


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • My husbands not had a scan, we was hoping he would have one but no! the only thing they said was any weight loss get in touch otherwise phone call in 6 months, im fearing when you get to 80 their not so bothered. His TG was a year ago this month. 
    It’ll put your mind at rest when it comes back clear Nic, good luck x

    Sue Xx
  • Sue 

    Once again thank you for your  kind words xx fingers crossed  its clear 

    Nic nac