Next stage

  • 4 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

I was diagnosed in April at stage 4 no options for surgery just palliative chemo. I’ve done 6 sessions and been on a break for nearly 3 months had a scan last Friday and worried they are not going to offer me any more treatment, even though they have said they had options available if the recent scan showed growth. I know I should have faith in the doctors doing everything they can but I can’t help thinking they are so busy and maybe see me as a lost cause. 
so I was just wondering if anyone is further forward and can share some of their treatments that they could potentially offer me. I’m so scared they are not going to offer me anymore treatment. I geCrymy results in Monday! Cry

  • Hi Angie, I’m sorry to read that you’re on palliative care, I can’t help you at all,  just wanted to send you a hug and I have everything crossed for you on Monday, I really hope you get more treatment and I can’t see why they wouldn’t continue with it. I’m sure someone will be along with more info for you soon. Stay strong Angie xx

    Sue Xx
  • Hi sue, thank you Heart️ xx

  • Hi Angie

    I just want to give you a big warm hug for finishing your treatment. I also have Stage 4 and have been on palliative chemo which finished last April and have been monitored 3 monthly since. As far from what I understand from my oncologists is that Capox can be given for up to 12 cycles which I have had already taken 6 from it. They explained that since my stomach lining still continues to thin out and everything is stable, they won’t be giving any more chemo since i have reached the toxic levels after receiving 6. So by the looks of it, I think they are reserving the last 6 cycles? I am not sure. But that’s how I understand what they said to me. With regards to surgery, I sought a second opinion from Prof George Hanna in St. Mary’s and he explained that I can’t have surgery due to my peritoneal metastasis since if they operated on me most of the patients don’t recover well after. I am currently having radiotherapy to my spine since they saw a lesion there and I think its best we take things as they come. I know it may be difficult but I find it easier to take it day by day. I always contact my CNS via email for updates and questions and she’s been a wonderful person. Do you think that may help you too?


  • Pacexnana 

    • thank you for your reply Heart️ the results showed that it was stable even a reduction which they said could of been the chemo still working or my immune system fighting it, they wanted to leave me for 3/4 months but I wasn’t happy and asked them for an earlier appointment. I knew whatever the results showed I wasn’t going to be happy because I was worried about them leaving me so long and also if there was growth. Just really scared about what’s to come. I’ve over come that fear now and grateful it was the best I could have hoped for! I thought about a second opinion but know deep down that the answer would be the same as yours. I wish you all the best with your treatment and big hug too you also it’s so hard but your right one day at a time. Xx