Operation 8th August

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  • 24 subscribers

Sorry guys, I posted another post before this one 

Does this black cloud ever go away . I had my stomach removed in August this year . I feel fine except  trouble with bile , and a feeling of never knowing if it could come back 

Had my inlaws up from Kent for the weekend  and i felt like this could be the last Christmas i see them . I know its worrying for everyone   but how do you cope ?

  • I think the emotional legacy of cancer is one we all carry! I read a wonderful Blog on this Forum which I will summarise. A cancer diagnosis changes your outlook on life forever!  You have lost trust and confidence in your body and every ache or pain brings the fear that it’s back!

    So I think of it like this.  It’s the phrase See you tomorrow if I don’t get run over by a bus! When that diagnosis of cancer is given to you, you’re in the middle of the road with the bus coming towards you! But the treatment plan stops the bus. 
    So you can get off the road and can now spend your life at the bus stop waiting for the bus. 
    OR you make the most of every day and do all the things you want to do in life.  Showing love to all those you care about!

    The bus will come one day but don’t waste time waiting for it!!

    Having said that, a wonderful contributor   gave a great piece of advice! Cancer leaves you with a Backpack full of rocks that weigh you down! So from time to time you need to work at leaving them behind! 

    Enjoy today because we can’t control tomorrow! 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Aww Jac that’s so nicely put, thank you. Maybe at this time of year it affects us more.  The Highlander talks a lot of sense, he’s  also been of a help to us as well.
    Nic I was hoping you’d have got the bile problem sorted out now, is anyone doing anything about it ?

    Take care all xx

    Sue Xx