Operation 8th August

  • 3 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Hi Guys and Dolls 

Just an update on my journey so far  from my last update .

Now been informed that what i call bile is my body creating  enzyme Spelling ? which breaks down the little food i am eating . Going to try a oral suspension sulfate solution but my GP will nig prescribed  it to me i believe  because of the cost . 

GI nurses are going a grand job trying to get me to my goal of eating Christmas  dinner with out this bile spoiling  my wifes Christmas  she as been my rock i love her to bits Geo dont you tell her that lol

Stay Safe all 

  • I do hope you have at last got a solution to the ‘bile’. You have had such an awful time. It seems ridiculous that the GP won’t prescribe it, I think there is an appeal process.  It would be worth asking if it is an NHS wide decision or just one for individual GPs? 
    Hope you finally get a solution!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thank you for you're  words and support Pray 

    Nic nac

  • Hi Nicnac,

    I have actually been prescribed medication to create more enzymes to help break down my meals due to not having a stomach to do the job. I have to take two with snacks and 3 with main meals. I had my op in June and I would say I am eating normally now infact possibly too much has I am now putting weight on and worry that it will be too much. Its a never ending journey I guess we just have to stay positive.