Mixed Emotions

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  • 23 subscribers

It's been a difficult few days

We have been told that they will now not operate on my wife this week, the plan was to remove the tumour and 1/3 of her stomach

BUt after specialists looked at the scans they noted that the tumour has mutated and would not be able to remove all the tumour unless they removed all the stomach.

So we now have a fee more session of chemotherapy until lat Jan 24, when hopefully it has changed and they can remove it.

I am really concerned for her, as this has really knocked her mental health, I am being as strong as I can to support her.

Hopefully it shrinks and we can have good news in Jan

  • I am really sorry to hear this as it must be a setback for you and your wife.  I am not sure why a total gastrectomy is not an option or could be after more chemo.

    Many people in this group have had a total gastrectomy and recover well.  Recovery from a total gastrectomy is harder but many do, so hold on to the hope that is an option in January.   

    Do read some of the recent positive posts in this group!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!