pulling sensation near gastrectomy scar

  • 2 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi Everyone.  I had a total gastrectomy in April this year, and for the past month I have been having what feels like a pulling sensation near my scar on my left side - it feels internal but not really painful.  The area around my scar on my skin does feel a bit numb still.  I just wondered if anyone had had anything similar six months after the operation?  My oncologist ordered an ultrasound which didn't show anything and he says we'll just monitor it for now.

  • Hi

    I had something similar about a year or so after my surgery.  I think it was caused by me straining to push the trolley round the supermarket!  I was not sure if it was adhesions or a muscle strain.  I certainly had numbness round the scar for months!

    Hopefully it resolves itself as mine did once I stopped stressing about it! 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thank you, Jac, that's reassuring!