Feeling low

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  • 23 subscribers

Sorry to bring this to the group but i know if snyone can help me this forum will

I feel so down at the moment with  constant  bile , pain  around my scar losing weight fast . Feeling depressed spoken  to GI nurses who suggested that i am expecting  to much to soon and the way i feel is no uncommon . Bit diwn on myself thought i was stronger than this and i know we are all on a long and difficult  journey.  Is ghhs a normal  feeling on this recovery  journey 

Stay Safe everyone 

  • I think it’s completely understandable to feel depressed and your recovery has not been easy!  It’s a major change to your life and every setback makes you feel that you will never be able to get your life back!

    I remember that feeling well so many times on both occasions that I was recovering from cancer! 

    The advice from the GI nurses is probably true but not really helpful when you feel so awful!  It might be worth focusing on things that make you feel happy… even small things like going a short walk, keeping a diary of what you are eating and drinking and times you felt ok or when the bile is not as bad!!   I would also research ways to reduce the problem with bile as there must be some things to try!

    It’s a long road but you have come a long way already! 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!