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Hi I’m wondering if people with total Gastrectomy who has B12 injections every 3 months has had it brought forward by a couple of weeks. My husband due for it 30 Oct but gets so worn out now, He did ask the nurse who did it last time if he could have it earlier but she said no so I’m just wondering if people did. Also is anyone having iron tablets?  Thanks folks and keep well x

  • Hi there I was told in hospital it could be given up to two weeks before due date, I too get tired leading up to date x

  • Hi Sue

    I have only had one b12 so far my next isn't due for four weeks but I have noticed I do get tired but have put that down to my post op Chemo which I am currently at hospital now having session number two.

    I was on Iron tablets but at my last oncologist appointment was taken off them has after checking bloods they said I didn't  require them. I have been put on enzymes though to help break down my food as I was getting dumping alot.

    Mick x

  • Thanks Mick, how’s the chemo going, I hope it’s not too bad but at least you know this is the end product. My husband had his 6 month blood test in July, they found he was low on iron so had a bowel test (FIT) found blood, had a virtual CTC found 5 polyps now waiting for a colonoscopy,, we’re wondering if the tiredness is B12 or low iron or maybe both. 
    Thanks Ali 2 he’ll suffer this time but will ask again if he can have it early next time.

    Take care everyone xx

    Sue Xx
  • So far so good Sue just got home from no 2 Chemo feel a bit nauseous and the neuropathy is playing up, but half way there now two more sessions and hopefully all done.

    I had a colonoscopy and they found polyps many years ago but they were benign so fingers crossed Fingers crossed for your husband. 

    Mick x