
  • 2 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Good morning  all

Sorry not posted any updates until now but you will understand why . 

I hsd my stomach removed on 8th August this year  hsd a few complications but seemed to be getting better , had my food pipe streched and got my results  from the pathology on what they had taken out . All good and taken all out what they could see. But unfortunately report came back ghat microscopic caner cells still in join of pipes . Its a worrying time wziting for results of another biopsy and no one know what these cells are going to do  in future ?

  • I am sure this is not the news you wanted to hear!  It’s more than likely you will be offered more chemo, which is the common pathway after surgery.  The aim is to eradicate those stray cells.  What is the other biopsy looking at? 

    It’s hard when your recovery suffers setbacks and you have had more than your share!  I would focus on recovering from the surgery and see what the MDT comes up with as the next steps in your treatment plan.

    Take care


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hi There

    Sorry to hear your news. I had my stomach removed in February 2021 and traces were found in one of my lymph nodes.

    I had further chemotherapy that finished in May 2021 and everything has progressed well since. I am sure further chemotherapy will sort out the issue if that is what is recommended.

    Very Best Wishes 
