Staples out

  • 2 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Well today had some of my staples out , a few left in bit stuck so idene patches on those one and return on weds 

Still having trouble eating correct things and remembering  to eat because i dont feel hungry i know its still early days

But i gave to be a patiant  patiant lol, any foid ideas  would be great thank you  

  • Glad to see you’re getting a bit better Nic, my husbands just the same as you 7 months down the line, he defo doesn’t get hungry and can only still eat smaller portions, I try to give him more but he’s having none of it. We’ve discovered protein powder, that goes in most things now, soup, jelly, yogurt. For some reason things he liked before is a no go now, custards, rice pudding, mash spud, makes it hard for me and I guess your wife will struggle as well, we’ve had a few rows about food. It’s 6.00 now he has jelly made with milk and a scoop of strawberry protein powder in it, plus tined oranges  Our eating times have changed, teas like 3pm so he can get another couple of small things in. 
    If anyone has any ideas about the dreaded word eating! I’ll be interested. 
    Take care Nic and I’m sure in time you’ll know what you can have. My husband had all his stomach out as well by the way xx

    Sue Xx
  • Always a mind of knowledge  and support 

    Hope we together can find something  we can enjoy to eat 

    Thank you xx 

    Nic nac