2nd 3 monthly check up

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  • 23 subscribers

We’ve just been for my husbands check up for total Gastrectomy in Jan, GI lady very pleased with him stomach wise, now onto 4 monthly checks so back in Dec. He had his 6 monthly bloods done a few weeks ago that showed low iron so a stool test was done that showed blood, doc wrote to GI, she said to have a scope and iron tablets, she writing to doctors to arrange that as it’s not stomach related, so another wait. Apart from that he’s doing very well.

Nic nac all the best for tomorrow but I know you’ll be fine and back posting on Wednesday xxx

  • Sue

    So pleased you got good news re Mart’s stomach!  I remember always feeling there was a BUT…So I am sure waiting for the scope will be stressful!  You have both been through so much!  Hopefully the wait will not be long and all will be fine xx


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Jac, I’ve just been reading all the prep you have to drink before a colonoscopy, well 1 liter plus 500 mill, ok for me but Martin says he can never manage that even if it’s over 2hr and again the next day, is it possible to drink that much with no stomach.  Would you or anyone else know or has anyone else had colonoscopy with no stomach.

    Thanks xx

    Sue Xx
  • I have had a colonoscopy several times!  I ask for a different prep, I think it’s called Moviprep.  Kleenprep had too much volume for me even before my partial gastrectomy!  I was sick as it was too much fluid.

    Moviprep was fine for me as it was small amounts over a couple of hours.  
    Not sure what one he has been given, but worth asking for one with less volume.  


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!