
  • 1 reply
  • 23 subscribers


How's your Dad hope all ok xx

  • Hi  

    I hope you don't mind me replying but I have just seen this post.

    If you want to contact a person in your group, the easiest way is to reply to one of their posts.

    If you want to start a new post to them, as you've done here, your need to 'tag' them so that they will get an alert that they have a message. To do that type the '@' character and then start typing their username immediately after the symbol without leaving a gap. The system will automatically bring up their name in a box and, when you see this, you click on it to choose it and the person you want to contact will be tagged and their username will turn green like this  when you click on reply.

    As I've now tagged Nat they will see this message.

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