Low Ferritin

  • 7 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Hi again, husband had his first 6 month blood test at the doctors, all is well (more or less) apart from iron so he’s done a poo test and hoping the cancer hasn’t come back, or one of his other cancers, if there’s blood in the test does it mean cancer again?. Have any of you had low iron after having your stomach out, does the stomach make iron as well as B12. Apart from that he’s ok but does find it very hard to put weight on and when he does it’s not long before he loses it again. Thanks for reading xxSue 

  • Hi Sue,

    I was informed I would need Iron supplements along with b12, my b12 is due around August but my doctors surgery haven't mentioned anything about the Iron yet so I will chase that up.

    Mick. X

  • Thanks Mick, just hope that’s what it is. As I said he only found out on his 6 monthly blood test, no one said anything about iron before, he does have his B12 every 3 months next one 8 Aug.  Also did you get in touch with your CNS about the swallowing, if so what did she say. Take care x

    Sue Xx
  • Hi Sue

    The faecal test , bowel screening, is often positive but only 1% are cancer.  I know a number of people who have had a positive result but it wasn’t cancer.  I hadn’t heard about low iron after a gastrectomy but there have been a lot of changes in diet etc so it wouldn’t be surprising.  Doing a faecal test is standard is anaemia is found.  It happened to two of my family and they were both absolutely fine despite getting a positive faecal test result.  They had a colonoscopy which was clear.

    it is always a worry, so hope all is good!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thanks Jac, yes it is a worry but hope to hear back by the end of the week all been well. Thanks x

    Sue Xx
  • HI Sue,

    The CNS said just to monitor my eating and if I have another day where nothing will stay down then to get on touch, they were not overly concerned.

    Got in touch with my doctors they had a letter on 17th July about B12 and Iron supplements but nothing has been actioned yet. (Good old doctors surgery)

  • His test is back today but receptionist won’t tell us anything where they usually say it’s ok but now saying have to see the doctor and would you believe that’s 15th Aug, can’t get in before or even for a phone call, the receptionist wasn’t very helpful, now we have over 2 weeks to wait. Martin says if it was bad or there was blood showing he would be in before, let’s hope he right but I’m slowly losing my faith in his Doctor. Xx

    Sue Xx
  • Oh that’s agony Sue!  I would phone back and say how stressful the waiting is and see if the doctor will phone you or at least an earlier appointment! 
    Logically if there was an urgency then you would be seen earlier or treatment for low iron started??
    The uncertainty is the worst thing. Once you know what you’re dealing with it’s easier, as you know!  
    Hope you get more answers soon! 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!