Life after Operation

  • 2 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Can anyone tell me what i might expect  after my operation and i know not everyone are the same . But i am trying to prpare myself for life after Operation 

  • The only difference my 80 year old husband found a bit of a problem was eating enough and sleeping propped up, after 6 months the foods still a bit of a problem, I say he’s not eating enough and he says he’s eating all he can. He still slips down in bed and gets bile, not often but it does happen. Apart from those two things life is much as it was before. He says the worst thing is not knowing when he’s full and doesn’t know what would happen if he eats too much, so not taking the chance. I’m sure you’ll do well xx

    Sue Xx
  • SueCC

     Great to hear he is doing well   i have been warned to get lots of pillows  to prop yourself up

    Eating the right amount think it will be diffrent to every one (how many times we heard that ) but your body will tell you once you get used to new plumping.  I wish you both all thd best xx

    Nic nac