A bad day

  • 4 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Having had a total Gastrectomy 4 weeks ago all has been going well with getting used to the new plumbing and healing etc however today no matter what I eat I am bringing it back up not straight away but ip to 30 mins later. I constantly feel like there is something in my throat but II am not in any pain.

Has anyone else experienced this and if so how long did it last and any tips?

  • Sorry Mick I can’t help on that but you definitely need to get in touch with the CNS, of course it’s weekend and their not at work, maybe go to a&e if your still the same tomorrow. Hope it gets better soon x

    Sue Xx
  • Thanks Sue, I will see how it goes tomorrow and contact CNS Monday I dont think it warrants an A&E visit just yet as there is no pain and I can take a little fluid on. X

  • Mick

    Hope today is better! These setbacks are very worrying as you immediately think you will not get back to eating normally.  I would certainly contact the CNS tomorrow and ask for advice.  You will be due a six week follow up but it would be worth asking for an earlier appointment. 
    Hope you feel better soon!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thanks Jac,

    So this morning everything Is fine, I have managed my usual breakfast 1x weetabix with no problems at all. So it seems I was just having a bad day afterall.

    I will still contact CNS tomorrow just to be on the safe side.