Things just got real

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  • 23 subscribers

Just had a phone call to inform me that my pre OP will be 31st July.  With a veiw to carry out the operation on the 8th August,  to say i am scared and worried would be a under statement.  Still donot know what surgeon going to do until he opens me up 

  • I remember well how absolutely terrified I was before the operation.  The only way to cope is to focus on getting as fit as possible physically and mentally.  Eating really well and whatever exercise you can manage!  I also researched eating after a gastrectomy which helped me feel in control of my recovery! Although there’s a clear pathway which you will follow in hospital.

    The pre op will help too as you feel reassured by the medical team, who do this every day! 
    I found the surgery much easier than I expected, as others in this group have also said.  I am sure they will offer advice and support!

    In the meantime good luck!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thank you for your reassuring words 

    Nic nac