Burping after total gastrectomy?

  • 8 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Did anyone else have this? I’m concerned about it as my mums main symptom before she was diagnosed was burping a lot, and now after surgery it’s bad again, is it common after a TG? It’s not immediately after food kind of continuous throughout the day. Thanks in advance 

  • I’d say so, my wind velocity either end has increased significantly post surgery much to my Wife’s surprise and my kids amusement !

  • Thanks so much for your reply! Just so nervous all the time about everything now a days but hopefully it’ll settle with time. Thank you Blush 

  • No worries at all, a pleasure … and if you said that to Dr Chaudry, I could tell you verbatim, exactly what he’d say to you as he’s said it to me so many times the past two years (post surgery) … that we don’t go through surgery as big as that to come out the other side worrying each day and we must enjoy ourselves and life.

    You are in the absolute best hands, and you had a true magician operate on your Mum, so take comfort in that and enjoy the chance we have been given !

    Hope it makes sense and helps.

  • Yes that’s really true! We’re seeing him tomorrow to find out the path results and I am absolutely a mess so it seems everything will set me off today to be honest. But thanks so much, I am finding a lot of comfort in this forum and you all. Sending love to you and your family Hearts

  • Oh wow, small world ! I’m at Cavendish Square for a check up with him 2mo too !

    Tell him you know Andy & Claire, he’ll know who you mean.

    I hope it all goes well for you and your Mum tomorrow,‘I’m sure it will !

  • Hahaha must be clinic day at cavendish! Thanks for the well wishes, and will do! Hope everything goes well with you too Hearts

  • Yes the same for my husband, burping was the only symptom he had before surgery and yes as Red says both ends now. Good luck for tomorrow for your mum xx

    Sue Xx
  • Thank you Sue! Hope your husband and yourself are doing well!! Love to you all xxx