Wobble again

  • 12 replies
  • 24 subscribers


Why am i having a wobble again over thinking forthcoming  operation.  I know it's normal  to feel anxious  about operation, but it's taking over me in waves . I am sorry to put this on this forum, and i know some people are not so lucky to be offered the chance of the operation . I am normally a strong willed character, but this i have no control over the situation, and i think that's the problem . Again i am sirry putting this out there but i know i can get support or advice from this forum.  

  • I think it’s absolutely normal to be apprehensive and indeed terrified about such a major operation! I remember very vividly the roller coaster of emotions!  I would go from positive to the depths of despair!  I agree it’s the lack of control so I focused on getting as fit as possibly mentally and physically!  I walked a lot, ate really well and used Headspace to manage the anxiety.  
    I found it helped to focus on the positive stories on this Forum and put my trust in the medical team, who do this every day!  
    What date is your operation? 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Opration around 8th August but no set date yet. Thank you for your kind words i am trying to stay positive 

    Nic nac

  • Hi There 

    2years 4 months since my operation and now if I eat wisely I am back to pre diagnosis health.

    Time passes quickly and I am enjoying life.

    Very best wishes 


  • Chad 

    How was hour recovery  and life around 4 weeks after 

    Nic nac

  • Hi 

    Good to hear from you. Eating was a  bit difficult

    I suffered from lack of appetite for a few weeks but I managed with little and often and things gradually improved with the help of the dieticians at St James Hospital in Leeds.

    I tended to go to the loo quite a lot in the early days but again with time everything improves

    I also tried to do quite a bit of walking. It is a gradual process but things do get better. 

    I had little pain which was a blessing. With the follow up help that is available I am sure that you will soon be fully recovered.

    Very best wishes


  • Chad1

    Thank for you reassuring words its good to know others who have come trough other side 

    Nic nac

  • Pleased to help.

    If there is anything at all I can help with please let me know.

    Will you be having chemotherapy?

    Best wishes 


  • Had my 4 lots of chemo judt waiting to confirm  op date 

    Nic nac

  • Well done you will be fine in no time at all.

    You will be back to a normal life soon after the operation 

    I am and I am 76!

    Very best wishes


  • Chad1

    J am glad you are recovering  well and i hope i can be as strong as you 

    Nic nac