
  • 2 replies
  • 22 subscribers

Hi, I went to the dentist yesterday as I needed a scale and polish which was the first one since finishing chemo last July ‘22… I was in so much discomfort I couldn’t last for less than a minute with it, the cold from the water tube was agonising. I had FLOT has anyone else had this happen to them? I felt such a fool not to proceed with it… 
Thank you 


  • Hi Michele,

    You should have been warned about cold stuff, I couldn't even turn on the cold water tap without wearing a glove. I also had FLOT.

  • Hi, oh yes I was warned about it and I did suffer from neuropathy with my face, hands, legs and feet all the way through my 8 rounds and for a few months after… all that has returned to normal, even ok with eating ice cream etc… just didn’t expect it with the dentist as I thought I had got over it… 
