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Another update on my husband, he had a total Gastrectomy in Jan and doing very well apart from needing another B12 injection as feeling very tired, 2 weeks to wait for that. He hasn’t had chemo, the surgeon said they don’t give it to over 75s he 80 now, this really scares me as I haven’t read of anyone not having chemo. He also has non Hodgkin lymphoma found at the same time as the stomach cancer, that was put on hold till the stomach was sorted. So now he’s to have radiotherapy for the Lymphoma with an intent to cure. Both these cancers were found from having a CT scan for his kidney cancer.

He’s doing fine and doesn’t worry about it, I on the other hand just worry all the time about the stomach cancer coming back. Anyhow thanks for reading and for been there.x

  • Hi Sue,

    I hope you’re ok? It’s great to hear that your husband is doing well and that a curative plan has been made re the Hodgkin Lymphoma. You have both been through and overcome so much already. What warriors you both are, I bet he is glad to have you by his side x

  • Sue

    You have been through so much and your husband has recovered really well from his operation.  And now more treatment for the lymphoma..cancer is the gift that keeps on giving.   
    Having cancer makes you lose trust in your body and every ache or pain is such a worry!  But it seems that it’s really lucky that the stomach cancer and the lymphoma have been found early and are treatable!

    I think all you can do..is accept that you can’t control what will happen in the future but you can control today to some degree!  I try not to let the fear of cancer stop me having the joy of living!  


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!