All clear

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  • 25 subscribers

Just had a phone call from the upper GI nurse to say my husband’s histology came back all clear., the margins were clear plus the lymph nodes, we still don’t know the grade/stage, she said to ask at our 3 month meeting? So we’ll go with that for now. He’s still finding it hard to eat but is doing so, his op was 4 weeks ago today,  Now to get the Non Hodgkin Lymphoma sorted out, that was put on hold for the stomach cancer, both of these cancers were found from having yearly CT scans for kidney cancer. Xx PS just heard back .. stage 2 grade 2 and 22 lymph nodes removed all were clear, I know we’re not out the woods as he didn’t have chemo but fingers crossed x

  • Oh that’s just wonderful news!  You must be so relieved! I am sure eating will gradually improve and he is now on the road to recovery!  
    Thanks for sharing as it’s so good to get positive stories!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!