CT scans

  • 3 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hello everyone, my husband had his operation 3 weeks ago today, he’s been out of hospital for 2 weeks and doing ok, he had all his stomach out.
We went for the histology on Monday but it wasn’t back so have to wait another week, I asked the surgeon what the follow up is like CT scans but no, no CT scans but an appointment to see the surgeon in 3 months, I don’t know if that is the only appointment we’ll have. As he hasn’t had chemo ( surgeon at Notts hospital said they don’t give it to over 75s as found they don’t do so well with it) it’s a bit scary just to relay on symptoms as he never had any before. Has any of you had CT scans, I was wondering if maybe we should pay to have one.

Anyhow thanks and hope you’re all doing fine, you all seem to be having chemo and hope it goes as smoothly as possible xxx

  • Hi Sue

    Glad to hear your husband is recovering well.  I didn’t have CT scans as follow up because my cancer was early stage. I just had 6 monthly checkups with the surgeon for 2 years.  When I had Bowel cancer I did have CT scans.  Perhaps others will be able to share their experiences.

    This article by Dr Peter Harvey helped me to cope after the treatment finished 



    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thanks Jac, My husbands stomach cancer was found as he was having yearly CT scans for kidney cancer, if that hadn’t happened he’d be none the wiser about the SC, they also found Non Hodgkin Lymphoma at the same time. It’s over 4 years from the kidney cancer so CT scans finished last year for that. I have bladder cancer found over 10 years ago and still have check ups even now, it just seems that this cancer doesn’t have the same follow ups as other cancers, and this one is an awful cancer.

    I’ll have a read of what you sent Jac and guess I’ll just have to expect what we’re been told. Thanks xx

    Sue Xx
  • Sue

    That’s really interesting and I completely understand why CT scans would give you reassurance.  It might be worth pushing for CT scans to continue in your husband’s case.  Everyone is an individual and his history is unusual!

    Good luck!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!